Local Resources for Baby's First Year
Baby Daze
Info: Drop-in group on Tuesdays 9:30-11:30am at Harris Barn. No fee required.
Check out weekly topics here.
Baby Time
Info: group on Mondays 10:30-11:00am and Wednesdays 1:30-2:00pm at Tsawwassen Public Library. No fee required, confirm schedule and registration on the library website.
Info: this virtual breastfeeding peer support group session offered by La Leche League Canada (LLLC) typically meets on the first Monday of each month. Please see more info here.
Public Health
South Delta Public Health Unit located in Tsawwassen Commons:
Book baby’s 2 month vaccines & weight check by calling 604-952-3550
Mental Health
Pacific Postpartum Society call or text for immediate phone support 604-255-7999 (phone or text) or 1-855-255-7999 (phone only) www.postpartum.org
Postpartum recovery workshops and registered counselling at Inform Wellness.​
Specialized Perinatal Registered Clinical Counsellors (online only) accepting new patients:
In-home decluttering and organization service (fee) https://firststepdecluttering.com/
Contraception & Sexual health
Contraception Resources:
Contraception decision tools https://www.optionsforsexualhealth.org/facts/birth-control/
Locate IUD/implant insertion providers https://raiice.ca/
BC pharmacists can now prescribe contraception, as well as treat 21 minor ailments including common skin/eye concerns, thrush and UTIs:
**NEW: Self-swab cervical screening alternative to paps
Self-swab screening is now recommended every 5 years for ages 25-69.
Request a free self-screening kit online at
Your kit will arrive by mail in an unmarked package with a prepaid return envelope.
In-home Registered Massage Therapy
https://www.vvmassage.ca (South Delta)
Low-Cost Massage in New West
Registered Acupuncturist Alyssa Huang in Ladner https://www.collaborativewellnessladner.com/about.
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists:
Nicole Coffey in Ladner https://ladnervillagephysio.com/
Tamarah Nerreter at Sungod Physio in Tsawwassen Springs
Chiropractors - Newborn:
Physio/Craniosacral Therapy/RMT - Newborn & Pediatric
Kiersten McMaster, MPT (infant physio) at wavescollective.ca in Tsawwassen
Cherise Jacques (also an osteopath), Ladner https://blissosteopathy.com/about-us
Shaz Tayebi (also a lactation consultant). In-home treatments. https://mamamilk.ca/
Justin Lorette (RMT) offers combo sessions (half baby/half parent) Inform Wellness
Physical Recovery for Parents & Babies
Pediatric References
Why Vitamin D https://caringforkids.cps.ca/handouts/pregnancy-and-babies/vitamin_d
Tummy Time 30 minutes total/24h period https://csepguidelines.ca/guidelines/early-years/
Helpful article on newborn eye discharge/noisy breathing/congestion
Newborn reflux https://www.uptodate.com/contents/acid-reflux-gastroesophageal-reflux-in-babies-beyond-the-basics
Newborn rashes
Childhood vaccinations https://caringforkids.cps.ca/handouts/immunization/vaccination_and_your_child
Safe swaddling
Eye exams for baby at 6-9 months (no fee, covered by MSP) https://bc.doctorsofoptometry.ca/children-vision-resources/
Probiotics for fussy babies/colic
Sun Safety